Saturday, April 27, 2013

New Blog Post!

Well, its been a while since I have updated so I shall post more often! Today I just want to say that I really miss high school... Not like the learning part but more of the organization of it. On a daily basis we had a place to be where we were able to talk and integrate with other people constantly. Now that its almost been a year since graduation I feel like the world had just flipped and the organization has just flew out the window. These days I wake up not knowing what I am going to do and just winging it and I end up wasting a lot of gas money. This is one of the reasons I strongly dislike the whole Sarasota area because it was built for the elderly and tourist, and for a young adult that's not fun. But soon it will change because I will be living in the hectic Orlando area with my best friend and her old friend and I feel like that will be the push I need to actually go out and do something. Speaking of Orlando we are going there for school and I am so confused about that one too. I would like to more than anything in the world to become a music supervisor. A music supervisor is the person that chooses the music too put into films, tv shows, commercials, games, ect...but yeah it sound like an amazing career to get into. The one problem is that I am always playing it safe, not only with choosing a career but with every what I am thinking as the safe way out is to get a degree as an ultrosound technician so I can have a job right out of college and then start working on the music supervision degree so I can have an income to be paying for the music school. I don't really see anything wrong with that but others disagree. So yeah that's my update and kids in high school enjoy it!

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